I am...a New Yorker

[Previous entry: "Una Afficionada Del Autobus"]

Thursday, August 23, 2001

Honey, I Shrunk the Sidebar!

Birthday Week present #2 -- a tny shell. That was a nice surprise, snce I expected only dime novelties, not somethng so real or natural.

Presents from Jennifer -- hurrah!

Bodily Harm, by Margaret Atwood. I'm not sure I've ever heard of this one before, and I love Atwood. I'm not very far along, so I don't know what to thnk yet.

South Park at Rob's last night. Sick, sick, sick. The Go, Go Bronco chase was too much.

I am...tryng to make time for writng and updatng this site (even though I need to nvestigage party venues -- 5 days and countng). I'm so thrilled that I can have pictures up agan, so this will be another image-laden entry.

I am totally diggng this present-a-day thng. They are tny and simple, but I love selectng, rippng out and openng the next bright-colored envelope each day. I thnk about it before bed, resist my evil side's "well...it IS after midnight, so I can open the next one" and then I open them up while I wait for the elevator and walk to the subway n the mornng. It's a really cool little addition to the mornng routne. Here are the first two, yesterday's fortune and the surprise shell today:

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This is the view while I wait for the elevator. The World Trade Center is n the middle, slightly obscured by one of the taller buildngs n downtown Crooklyn.

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To the left of what's visible n this picture is the Statue of Liberty, but I couldn't get a picture that's as clear as what I see out the wndow.

. . .

Who needs a birthday as an excuse to buy goodies? I could not resist this Magnetic Poetry refrigerator key chan.

Magnetic Poetry fridge -- it says,
Look, the light comes on when you open the door!

the wee little words stay fresh n the crisper bn

I drooled over the tny catalog of mniature keychans that came nside the package. I already have Mr. Potato Head, Etch-a-Sketch, Silly Putty and the Magic 8 Ball. I've long lusted after the micro-sized Clue, Life and Ouija board. The mnd wobbles at the thought of the itty-bitty Operation and Perfection games.

I have a strong attraction to mniatures. When I was a kid, my Barbie had a collection of cocktail swords (and, naturally, a first aid kit). I was often heard to exclaim, "Oh, it's Barbie-sized!" To this day, I am sorry I never bought the little dollhouse tampons and sanitary napkns I saw n a catalog once. It just blew my mnd that they made such thngs -- the toilet paper was surprisng enough. One wonders if there are little dollhouse knky sex toys.

. . .
Random photo:

One of the ultra-shny new #2 trans.

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I like takng pictures on the subway, it seems so verboten.

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