Diary of a MAD Woman

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Monday, July 3, 2000
Why didn't anyone tell me John Taylor was on Politically Incorrect tonight? Mmmmmmm... posted by Erica Jackson 7/3/2000 10:55:02 PM link to this entry

The boy and I went to get haircuts whereupon I spent more money than should be allowed by law on a conditioner that promises to "non-chemically" straighten my hair. I don't want it perfectly straight, I just want the curls relaxed to about twice their size or a nice wave, so I can get a comb through it. I might even consider growing it longer if this stuff is as effective at relaxing my hair as it was my spending hand. Still, since I have hardly any hair, it'll probably last for 6 months or until I lose it. Guess which one comes first.

I also bought $80 worth of underwear. I can't imagine how, but there it was. I was going to mail order it, but I have no idea where I put the catalog I stashed (great to hide something from others and end up hiding it from oneself). Mom throws all the others out. I've really gotta get some cool pants so I can bear the 90-105 average temperature here. Also, the undies are less expensive in the catalog, though they have cuter ones in the store. Trade off, I guess.
Took the boy to the toy store because I've been promising to buy him a basketball, but never got around to it before. I also thought we should try some card and board games because I don't think he should play video games as much as he does. Besides, it's the first thing my mom restricts him from, so he either plays them all day or can't at all.

I bought some Uno cards because I don't know what happened to my cards. I also like how you can be all vicious when you play Uno. We played the longest game because I didn't shuffle the cards enough. We each got to Uno several times, but got up to as many as a dozen cards, with neither having anything to play. I don't know why I thought it was a good idea to sit on the outdoor, upstairs tables outside the food court, but we only lost one yellow 0 when the wind kicked up. Amazingly, we found it when we left the mall about 20 minutes later.

Mom picked us up and we had dinner at one of the many bakery/restaurants in the area. I never realized before that we have three such chains here. I always think in terms of what SF and NY have that the Empire doesn't, but neither one has so much as a Target. It's really hard to find good deals on basics like toilet paper, soap, feminine products and housewares in the big city. You can, but you usually have to schelp them in from the suburbs.
It was great fun to shot a few hoops with the boy. I thought the basketball and board games would be some good things to play together. Also, it's good for him to get outside the house more. Great for me, too. I was amazed to find out how fun and polite he was on the basketball court. He kept fetching my ball. I didn't ask him to and I did it myself for quite a while, but then he just started doing it. He tends to complain when we ask him to do anything (clean his room, put his clothes in the dirty clothes hamper, change the litter, feed the cat, etc.), so I really appreciated him doing something without being asked, something I wouldn't even ask of him. Maybe from there we can work on all the complaining and backtalk, because my patience is worn thin in just two months. I don't want to lose my temper with him, but on the other hand, he needs to learn to stop correcting everything we do and say and disobeying constantly. I don't want every day to be a battle, just to get him to do basic things. I keep telling him, I'd rather he take 30 seconds to do the things we expect of him (mostly taking care of himself and the cat), rather than us having to tell him 3+ times for everything. That way, we can spend more time enjoying each other. Much better, I say.
posted by Erica Jackson 7/3/2000 9:27:30 PM
link to this entry

Last night we went back to my aunt's hotel to drop off what *NSYNC, Britney and Backstreet goodies I have left for one of the step-cousins. I didn't want to go because that was the day of the wedding and I figured it would run over. Mom said she didn't hear me, so off we went. Somehow she got it in her head that they'd be back at 9:30, maybe the reception was supposed to end at 9, I'm not sure. But those things always run over, especially for the family members.

Anyway when we were sitting in the lobby of this fairly nice Radisson, a guest came in the back door with a hooker. As he walked by, my mom kept shaking her head. I found that hilarious for some reason, but had to stifle a laugh. It was her tattoos that convinced me they weren't an actual couple. Not that I'm against tattoos, as you can see, but hers looked like prison tattoos, all green and faded, the lines broad and imprecise.Last night we went back to my aunt's hotel to drop off what *NSYNC, Britney and Backstreet goodies I have left for one of the step-cousins. I didn't want to go because that was the day of the wedding and I figured it would run over. Mom said she didn't hear me, so off we went. Somehow she got it in her head that they'd be back at 9:30, maybe the reception was supposed to end at 9, I'm not sure. But those things always run over, especially for the family members.

While we were waited in the lobby of this fairly nice Radisson, a guest came in the back door with a hooker. As he walked by, my mom kept shaking her head. I found that hilarious for some reason, but had to stifle a laugh. It was her tattoos that convinced me they weren't an actual couple. Not that I'm against tattoos, as you can see, but hers looked like prison tattoos, all green and faded, the lines broad and imprecise. The real tip off was how they'd looked like they never held hands before. Also, she looked kind of dirty and kept her head down. I wonder, how do men who are travelling know where to pick up hookers (meaning the street kind, as opposed to those who "massage" and call girls)? Actually, I've seen sex travel guides with lists of massage parlors and call girl services, but I guess some even give out the appropriate street corners posted by Erica Jackson 7/3/2000 8:54:19 PM link to this entry

Sunday, July 2, 2000
I'm watching Baps, I thought it would be cheesy, but it's fun at least. posted by Erica Jackson 7/2/2000 5:51:47 AM link to this entry

Salem in my photo boxIt's finally happened. I'm becoming a cat lady. I never thought of myself as a cat person, having never had one before. For that reason, the cat just fascinates me no end.
Salem in his window

He's moody, private, curious, funny, it's like having a baby in the house again. You see the world through their eyes. Plus, he's just such a cutie. posted by Erica Jackson 7/2/2000 5:47:33 AM link to this entry

We had an unexpected call from my aunt early this morning. She was in the Empire (I love calling it that, it sounds E-vil) for my uncle's step son's wedding (actually, I initially thought it was his stepdaughter, but at the end of the evening, I thought someone said his wife was the mother of the groom). Anyway, she was only 15 miles away, so of course we had to see her. Despite my overall issues with family, she's always been really cool and auntlike. She was the youngest child and my dad was the first grandchild, so they pretty much grew up together. She's always seemed like more of an aunt than a great aunt.

We had a nice visit. They are all quite enamored of my little bro. One of the step daughters kept asking him random questions and the human computer knew it all -- baseball, Spanish, state capitals, you name it. He learned to read when he was two, without anyone reading to him or anything. I thought I was smart growing up, but he just knocks my socks off.

Somehow I'd never met my uncle's wife or her kids, they didn't come to dad's funeral and I didn't go to the family reunion the past few years. It was nice to meet them, I seem to be coming into a whole lot of family these days. That's remarkable because I always forget how many friends and family I have. I have a lot to be thankful for, despite the very real problems. posted by Erica Jackson 7/2/2000 4:22:51 AM link to this entry

Saturday, July 1, 2000
Kristin, you've created a 3-headed blogmonster! posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 6:16:18 PM link to this entry

Am I hearing things or did the HBO voiceover dude just describe Ellen Degeneres as "the seminal comedian of the..."? Ya gotta love that. posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 6:00:42 PM link to this entry

The move is nixed until I move my zillions of graphics files in the right place. That, or I'll have to just put the blog at http://www.imericaonline.com/madwo, so the relative links will work. Sorry to go off half-cocked. posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 6:49:05 AM link to this entry

Salem is out of his mind. He is currently sitting on the window ledge. Before that, he was in a photo box my mom gave me to keep all my trip photos together. Before that, he stood on his hind legs, front paws on the railing of the day bed, looking out the window for a good half hour. He just discovered this perch since I moved the bed under the window a few weeks ago. posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 6:33:19 AM link to this entry

Finally, it begins. I hope this change will encourage me to update whenever I have something to say. I'd locked myself into a design that took forever for each update. I want the freedom to just jot down a few thoughts or to write more significant pieces without worrying about design. posted by Erica Jackson 7/1/2000 5:24:31 AM link to this entry

Thursday, June 29, 2000
Hi...You've found me out. This is the new design of my journal, set to launch on July 1. In the mean time, check out the original. posted by Erica Jackson 6/29/2000 5:44:08 AM link to this entry

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Erica Jackson.com -- Resume and writing

I'mErica Online -- Because it's all about ME, baby!

Some Crazy Dame -- Women and Insanity

Countdown to my birthday. August 28, I'm a Virgo.


Images and text © 2000 Erica Jackson
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