Do you really wanna know this much about me?
Yes, I know the code sucketh...this was a very early page and is here for archival purposes. For more recent efforts, please click here

I've been putting off the online journal until I had something to say...This is it...when I can't take it anymore, I must write.

December 16/17, 1997 March 1, 1998 March 11, 1998
January 27, 1998 March 2, 1998 March 16/17, 1998
January 29, 1998 March 3, 1998 March 18, 1998
February 24, 1998 March 9, 1998 April 16, 1998
February 28, 1998 March 10, 1998 April 25, 1998
    Last updated June 22, 1999